Carol Bartz
Carol Bartz

Managing is a tough job. When you're young, you just think it's a natural progression - I'm good at this, so I'm going to be good at that - and it's not that way at all.

Chris Wood
Chris Wood

It was a natural progression for me to find that if acting was what made me most comfortable, the best thing for me to progress toward was television and film.

Danny Welbeck
Danny Welbeck

I've been playing for England at every single youth team level, so it's like a natural progression into the seniors, and I'm obviously delighted with my progress.

Dean Karnazes
Dean Karnazes

I don't know if I'm so much fueled by trying to one-up myself so much as passionate about coming up with new and greater challenges. I don't see it as a contest, but as a natural progression.

Dennis Crowley
Dennis Crowley

I can think of the number of people who were like, 'I will never get a cellphone because I don't want people calling me all the time. And I will never get on Facebook because I don't want to share that stuff with people. And Twitter, that's not for me.' And this is just the natural progression of things.

Dia Mirza
Dia Mirza

I always wanted to play a bigger part in the process of cinema, so production felt like a very natural progression and calling.

George Murray
George Murray

Even the people who have had success and made money writing these books of fiction seem to feel the need to pretend it's no big deal, or part of a natural progression from poetry to fiction, but often it's really just about the money, the perceived prestige.

Gigi Gorgeous
Gigi Gorgeous

I feel like it's a natural progression for two people in love to talk about having children and taking that next step in creating a family.

Ishaan Khatter
Ishaan Khatter

I have been passionate about dancing and acting as long as I I can remember. It was a natural progression to make it my passion, pursue it, learn more about it, and develop myself as a performer.

Jamie Carragher
Jamie Carragher

If you'd asked me at the start of my career I would have said I was going to be a manager. I may still be in future, but there seemed to be an expectation it was a natural progression for me.